江光晖、李振声 | 11月26日绿色金融学术前沿第六期Seminar预告










多元化补偿政策体系对于种养结合生产模式推广具有重要意义,其关键在于了解农户的政策诉求和选择偏好,设计合理的补偿方案,促进其种养结合生产技术采纳意愿。文章通过选择实验法设计了由4政策属性组合而成的备选政策情境结合江苏省18个区县346户生猪养殖户调查数据,运用Mixed Logit模型检验了种养结合生态补偿政策的养殖户偏好以及政策间的互补性。研究结果表明:养殖户对种养结合生态补偿政策的接受意愿较高,但更偏好服务类、现金类和价格类补偿政策,而对于技术支持类补偿政策不具备明显偏好;养殖户种养结合补偿政策偏好存在显著的个体异质性,环保认知、风险特征与绿色种养循环农业试点是其偏好异质性的重要来源;技术支持、外包服务同现金类、价格类补偿政策之间呈现显著的互补性,而功能接近的补偿政策之间则不存在互补性,如技术支持与外包服务类补偿政策、资金与价格类补偿政策。研究结论有助于优化和完善现行的种养结合生态补偿政策体系,打好相关方面政策措施“组合拳”,强化正协同效应,重视差别化补偿。





报告Revisiting the Porter Hypothesis from patent data: A counterfactual analysis 




As technological progress aimed at realizing resource conservation and environmental protection, green technology innovation is an important driving force for green and high-quality development. How to measure green technology innovation? Is the Porter Hypothesis valid in China's environmental regulation? The research perspective of this paper focuses on the Clean Air Action Plan, the paradigmatic environmental regulation in China. Based on the patent data and classification, China's green innovation activities are measured from the two dimensions of quantity and quality. Using the program evaluation method suggested by Hsiao et al. (2012), this paper assessed the impact of the Clean Air Action Plan on green technology innovation by constructing a counterfactual framework. The estimation results show that environmental regulation has boosted the incentive of green technology innovation activities. But in both statistics and economic magnitude, the promotion effect on patent quality is significantly smaller than that on patent quantity. Further analysis shows that policy effect is heterogenous in different scopes, and the quantitative and qualitative improvement is only embodied in green patents of waste management. The findings of this paper will provide a sustainable development path for countries in similar situations.



李振声,男,讲师。2022年毕业于厦门大学管理学院中国能源政策研究院,获管理学博士学位,同年加入7003全讯白菜网。研究方向为能源环境经济学,科研成果发表在Applied EnergyEnvironmental Impact Assessment Review等主流期刊。担任多个SCI/SSCI期刊匿名审稿人。

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